So you’re looking for an oval city sticker for your home town, but we haven’t done your city (yet). NO PROBLEM! We’ve got a great solution: we’ll make you one, at NO EXTRA COST. Just the regular price. And when we’re done, we’ll add your city to our growing product line.
Here’s how this will work: Go ahead and order this “DIY” product. Make sure you specify “glossy” or “matte” finish below. When you are checking out, there’s a form for all your information, and to the right there is a section called “Additional Information.” This is where you can leave us instructions for what you want your DIY City Sticker to say. Bear in mind we only have room for 3 letters: If your town doesn’t already have a 2-to-3 letter nickname (like LA, or Austin refers to itself as ATX), we suggest looking up your 3-letter FAA Airport Code. For example, the 3-digit FAA Airport code for Phoenix is PHX, which works really well on a City Sticker. So in the “Additional Information” section, type in “my city is Phoenix, Arizona, and I want my 3-letter code to be PHX.” Done! We’ll design and print it, and that’s what you’ll get in the mail.
Here’s a good list of FAA 3-letter airport codes